Georges River College Hurstville Campus

Telephone02 9587 3199

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Values and Expectations

The Government recognises the importance of the following core values to the community. These values represent the aspirations and beliefs of the Australian community as a whole, including its concern for equity, excellence and the promotion of a caring, civil and just society. They are common to a range of secular and religious world-views and are found in most cultures.

Our core values are part of the GRC Way:


Having regard for yourself and others, lawful and just authority and diversity within Australian society and accepting the right of others to hold different or opposing views.

  1. CARE- Concern for the wellbeing of yourself and others, demonstrating empathy and acting with compassion.
  2. COOPERATION- Working together to achieve common goals, providing support to others and engaging in peaceful resolution of conflict.
  3. DEMOCRACY- Accepting and promoting the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of being an Australian citizen.


Being accountable for your individual and community's actions towards yourself, others and the environment.

  1. PARTICIPATION- Being a proactive and productive individual and group member, having pride in and contributing to the social and economic wealth of the community and the nation.
  2. FAIRNESS- Being committed to the principles of social justice and opposing prejudice, dishonesty and injustice.


Striving for the highest personal achievement in all aspects of schooling and individual and community action, work and life-long learning.


I will:

  • speak with appropriate language, volume and tone
  • respect the properties of others
  • follow all teachers' instructions without argument
  • value diversity
  • say ‘no' to bullying
  • use Another Word
  • treat everyone as I want to be treated

I will:

  • follow "Hands Off" policy
  • wear correct school uniform with pride
  • be in the right place at the right time
  • be organised and bring the necessary equipment
  • communicate safely and appropriately when online or when using electronic devices
  • only use electronic devices when instructed

I will:

  • attend school every day on time
  • try my best at all times
  • take pride in the appearance and culture of the school
  • actively participate in all activities

I will:

  • allow teachers to teach and students to learn
  • raise my hand and wait silently to speak
  • follow teachers' instructions
  • take hats off indoors
  • be an active learner
  • encourage others 

I will:

  • line up quietly outside classroom
  • sit correctly at desk
  • ask permission to leave seat
  • seek assistance when needed
  • act in a way that will ensure everyone is safe
  • wait quietly to be dismissed by the teacher
  • own my actions and accept consequences

I will:

  • arrive on time for class
  • do class work to the best of my ability
  • bring correct equipment for each lesson
  • complete all set homework and assignments on time
  • use my school diary

I will:

  • speak quietly
  • follow the "Hands Off" policy
  • make way for others

I will:

  • make my way to class promptly
  • line up in 2 lines
  • only enter buildings during class time or to see a teacher
  • keep corridors clean and tidy
  • keep left in corridors and stairwells
  • walk and not run

I will:

  • have a note when I am out of class
  • remind others of our responsibilities

I will:

  • sing the National Anthem with pride
  • sit up straight and pay courtesy to the speaker
  • applaud appropriately

I will:

  • assemble in an orderly fashion
  • follow instructions
  • wear correct school uniform with pride
  • help pack away chairs

I will:

  • contribute where I can

I will:

  • wait my turn
  • be polite to the canteen staff

I will:

  • keep the area clean
  • only purchase things for myself
  • move promptly to the playground after purchase

I will:

  • make healthy food choices

I will:

  • use good manners and polite tone with office staff
  • make space for visitors

I will:

  • use the student entry doors to office
  • do office business at break times

I will:

  • wait patiently for attention

I will:

  • use good manners
  • play fairly
  • respect property and the environment
  • pick up rubbish when asked to
  • use appropriate language

I will:

  • follow instructions
  • sit in the passive areas and play in active areas
  • stay in bounds
  • keep areas clean and use bins
  • stay out of gardens
  • know my wet weather area
  • use toilets during break times

I will:

  • be environmentally friendly
  • be inclusive of others
  • assist others when needed
  • take lost and found items to the office
  • move promptly to class when the warning bell rings

I will:

  • respect all facilities
  • keep the area clean

I will:

  • report all problems to a staff member
  • always wash hands
  • flush

I will:

  • conserve water and paper
  • aim straight

I will:

  • use good manners and polite language
  • be considerate of others
  • follow all instructions and signage
  • offer my  seat on public transport when necessary

I will:

  • take ownership of my safety and the safety of others
  • speak politely to shop keepers, bus drivers and all other members of the community

I will:

  • wear correct school uniform with pride
  • model good behaviour at all times
  • be a positive ambassador for the school

I will:

  • be polite and courteous to others, including the opposite team, referees, coaches, staff, team mates and the general public
  • play/participate safely
  • be respectful towards equipment
  • be a good ambassador for my school

I will:

  • be inthe right place at the right time
  • attend sport every week
  • pay my sport fees
  • check the HLP door for notices
  • have the appropriate uniform and equipment

I will:

  • try my best every week in my chosen sport
  • be actively involved
  • be a team player
Welfare, Health and Safety

I will:

  • follow all teachers' instructions without argument
  • be considerate of others

I will:

  • move promptly to correct area
  • act in a way that will ensure everyone is safe
  • follow "Hands Off" policy
  • Keep noise levels low

I will:

  • support and assist others when needed