Starting year 7
We have an extensive orientation and transition program to support students to have a successful start to high school.
Year 7 Adventure Day
To enhance the welfare program at our school, Year 7 students participate in a full day excursion during Term 1. The adventure day is an opportunity for your son to build positive relationships as a cohort while developing independence and self-esteem.
All students are expected to attend.
The excursion:
• provides students with outdoor experiences which allows them to exercise their resilience;
• develops positive values and attitudes on other, and the environment;
• improves their social relationships with peers, teachers and other adults; and
• improves their physical fitness and willingness to foster healthy lifestyles.
The adventure day has run for years at Georges River College Hurstville Campus, and all of the students who attend remember the day fondly; years later, many reminisce about the experience as Year 10 comes to a close and they prepare to move on to Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus.
Many lasting friendships are forged during the time on the excursion and remains a great experience to help the students transition into the high school system.
An action – packed outdoor education and recreation program has been prepared for the Year 7 Adventure Day. Details of the excursion are as follows:
VENUE: Cataract Scout Camp, Appin
We support students in year 6 by:
- holding masterclasses for students at our feeder primary schools
- hosting an orientation day in November
- providing a virtual tour of our school.
Visit our orientation website for more information.
To give you the best start to year 7, the first two weeks of school are dedicated to:
- students getting to know their teachers and peers
- finding your way around the school and learning how to learn in new environments
- teachers getting to know their students.
The transition program culminates in a full-day excursion to Cataract Scout Camp in Appin.