College and non-college students wishing to enrol into Year 11 and 12 at Georges River College can do so by visiting the Oatley Senior Campus website.
GRC Hurstville Campus transition program to Oatley Senior Campus
Georges River College is committed to ensuring transition from middle school to senior school is informative and explicit. Transition programs impact a young person's engagement with school, their wellbeing and ongoing learning trajectory. Our Year 10 students and their parents have been offered a range of activities to help them make an informed decision about the subjects they wish to study in Year 11 and 12 and future pathways.
Subject Information Day and Presentations: Staff from GRC Oatley Senior Campus provide advice to students on this day regarding course content, assessment, resource requirements, time considerations and particular attributes needed to achieve success in each subject. Parents and students are invited to view presentations via Moodle. Staff from GRC Oatley Senior Campus will provide advice regarding course content, assessment, resource requirements, time considerations and particular attributes needed to achieve success in each subject. Access will be available for a 4-week period following Subject Information Day. Moodle link:
HSC & Careers Expo @ The Hordern Pavilion: Students spend time talking to various organisations with:
· Information and resources for the HSC
· Information about tertiary study, university, TAFE and training courses
· Career advice
· Study advice
· Employment advice and opportunities
· Apprenticeship and traineeship advice
· International exchange and gap year programs.
Subject information Night: Held at Oatley Senior Campus, this introduces students and families to the requirements for the HSC, subject opportunities, and support programs on offer at Georges River College.
Curriculum Expo Evening: Senior Oatley Campus staff provide detailed information about the courses on offer. Parents and students can visit the site, ask specific questions about course content, skills, and major works
Careers Advisor Meetings: Each student meets 1:1 with one of our highly experienced College Careers Advisors to discuss options for their future studies and workforce options.
Student Information Package: Students engage with a self-flection resource that guides them to consider their strengths and interests in relation to each elective subject for Stage 6. This package is used by classroom teachers to support students in making valid assessments of their current learning, to ensure senior courses are challenging and achievable.
Subject Teacher Recommendation – Year 10 teachers support students to make appropriate choices by commenting on their current achievement, and courses that best align to their needs.
Online Subject Selection: Students formalise and lodge their subject selections through Edval Choice.
Interviews: Our students attend Interviews with either the Oatley Principal, Deputy Principals, or specialist teachers to discuss their choice of subjects. This interview is the culmination of the sustained selection program.
Post Interviews: Students are offered tailored information sessions and application processes for school-based and full-time apprenticeships/traineeships, white card courses and languages schools. Our campus also lodges Expressions of Interest on behalf of the students who have selected TVET courses as part of their senior studies.
We hope our formal term 4 Work Experience program will operate again in 2022. This will be reliant on public health orders.