Student Leadership
Our Student Leadership team is made up of the Senior Prefecture and Student Representative Council (SRC). Student Leadership refers to “… a group of students elected by their fellow peers [who] represent all students … and organise ways for students to participate and contribute to their school community.” (NSW Department of Education and Communities).
At Georges River College Hurstville Campus, the Student Leadership is a group of students elected by their peers to represent the best interests of the student body and be their voice to make a better school.
Our Student Leadership team aims to liaise with the school community to collect relevant information, make decisions and implement action in order to improve all aspects of the school community.
Students in the Leadership team:
- Act Responsibly… to ensure all students are given a voice
- Act Respectably… to be inclusive
- Aim for Excellence… to improve the school community
Every year, the Student Leadership Team of GRC Hurstville Campus works closely together to bring more positive changes to our school.
Students in Student Leadership meet fortnightly to discuss and implement student led strategies. At these meetings the School Captain, Vice-Captain and the Leadership Coordinator lead the discussions. These discussions include the planning of events such as fundraising, Student Leadership meetings, and student led initiatives. Our school values of Respect, Responsibility and Excellence underpin every meeting and action initiated within our school.
World Vision is one of the fundraisers that GRC Hurstville Campus is proud to support every year. The team organises fundraising activities to raise funds to sponsor and support our students.