An Initiative to decrease Derogatory Language on Campus and in the Community
History of Use Another Word
- Student-led initiative to decrease the use of disrespectful language in a very diverse, multicultural school.
- Came about as a reaction to commonly used language aimed to put down students. This language had become almost acceptable due to its frequent use.
- Students started to question this improper use of language by saying, "Use Another Word" and also asked offenders to attempt to find a replacement word to what they really meant.
- Students then created badges, posters and signed a pledge that enabled those wishing to become advocates for the program to be acknowledged.
- Eventually, it became commonplace for students to "think before they spoke".
The benefits of "Use Another Word"
- Decreases the use of disrespectful language, therefore leading to a more tolerant school community.
- Demands that students "think before they speak".
- Reduced anti-social language allows all students to be more engaged and involved in their learning.
- Teachers are able to spend more time on teaching and learning rather than on welfare and discipline.
- A more tolerant and enjoyable school culture is created.
"Use Another Word" - Target language
The program targets 5 areas of language that are commonly used to put down others. They are Racist Language, Sexist Language, Homophobic Language, Ableist Language and Foul Language. Students will be taught appropriate alternative words that are not offensive to any of the target groups.
The above is included in your child's diary along with a pledge that your child has signed to assist in reinforcing their commitment to becoming advocates for the program. The school asks that you also reinforce the use of appropriate language at home. When you hear the inappropriate word used say "Use another word" and ask, "Why did you say that?" and "What did you really mean?" and "What word can you use that would not offend?"
This and other initiatives to teach and reward positive behaviour will be referred to as the "GRC WAY" and aim to make GRC Hurstville Campus a more inclusive, safe and respectful place.