Georges River College Hurstville Campus

Telephone02 9587 3199

Languages Other Than English


Image result for italy

This year our year 8 students are studying Italian.

  1. Cassette tapes
  2. Teacher's resources
  3. Avanti text
  4. Buongiorno Italia (extension)
  • To develop the skills necessary for basic yet effective communication in Italian
  • To further the students' understanding of their own language as well as how language works through comparative analysis
  • To give students personal satisfaction through their study of a different culture and the provision of realistic and attainable language objectives
 Student objectives:
  1. Mastery of the language functions of each capitol (i.e. the student will have reached a specified level of communication of certain functions and notions)
  2. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the geography and selected history of Italy as well as be able to compare and contrast Italian and Australian ways of life.
 Method"Avanti" will be used as the primary text as it is most appropriate, incorporating the best elements of language methods as well as making strong use of audio and visual stimuli.
  • The Cartoon-Dialogue, introduce and repeat new vocabulary and structures, set in situations students can identify with
  • Avanti Parliamo, stimulates practice of structures learnt
  • Avanti Scriviamo, calls for written practice of selected structures
  • Avanti Ascoltiamo, trains students in Listening Comprehension
  • Parole Nuove, lists new vocabulary. Although these lists are excessive, their repetition in following chapters enables gradual learning of a substantial proportion of the words
  • Suoni Nuovi, focuses on pronunciation differences between Italian and English
  • How Italian Works, provides summaries of the main structural rules in this chapter
  • Canzone & Giochiamo (Songs & Games), provide additional samples of language in context and reinforces prior learnt knowledge
  • Lo Sai Che and Cultural Units,provide an understanding of Italy and comparisons between Australia and Italy.

Students will be assessed according to Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Skills with marks for Assignment on a cultural aspect of study.

Languages in NSW Schools

In NSW high schools, languages is a key learning area.

Language study allows students to develop communication skills, learn about languages as systems and explore the relationship between language and culture. Students engage with the linguistic and cultural diversity of societies and reflect on their understanding of social interactions.

The study of a language is compulsory for 100 hours in one continuous school year from Year 7 to Year 10, but preferably in Years 7 or 8.

In Years 11 and 12, NSW schools offer a wide variety of languages, catering for beginning students to background speakers.