Georges River College Hurstville Campus

Telephone02 9587 3199

Student Behaviour Policy

Georges River College Hurstville Boys Campus

Revised Student Behaviour Policy

Dear parents and carers,  

The NSW Department of Education is introducing a revised Student Behaviour Policy and new Suspension and Expulsion Procedures, from Term 1, 2024.

The policy and procedures support an inclusive and safe learning environment for your child, staff and every child in NSW public schools.

With the revisions to the policy, we now have clarity and consistency of how we manage disruptive and challenging student behaviour in the classroom, so our teachers can teach, and our students can learn.

The guidelines allow us to work closer together with you to support your child to behave positively and respectfully and when developing individual plans with clear expectations, so they can achieve their best.

We have many practices in place to help our students engage respectfully with each other and their learning. You can find out more about these and advice and support strategies to help you work with their us to achieve positive outcomes for your child through the department’s Behaviour Support Toolkit.

Violence in our schools is never acceptable. Suspension is a critical safeguard for ensuring the safety of our students, teachers and staff.

You can read a preview of the policy and procedures on the department website.

The staff and I are reviewing our current approach in line with the revised policy and procedures and will share any changes we believe need to be made with you from Term 1 2024.

Parents and carers play an important role in the school community. We will continue to engage and communicate with you around our School Behaviour Support and Management Plan that outlines our school processes and practices moving forward.

Our school already takes a strong, positive, student-centred approach, and we look forward to continuing to work closely with you and all our families to maintaining a safe learning environment so our students can thrive.

If you have any questions about the revised policy and procedures, please contact me.

Kind regards, 

Kathy Klados

Georges River College Hurstville Boys Campus